Earnest Photographers’ Group






Earnest Photographers’ Group is formed by photographers associated with Sheil’s Photography.

The Er Group is active in a variety of directions, from monthly meets, annual gatherings to scheduled outings for photography.
There are more than 800 members to the group from various parts of India. Though most of the members are from Pune, India, there are members from Mumbai, Nagpur, Hyderabad, Baroda, Bhilai and many other places as well.

The Er Group is managed by a committee formed by a few members. This is called the Core Group. The CG members have expertise in various facets of photography as well as managerial skills.

The activities of the Er Group include;

Monthly Meet

This meet happens once every month and is always held on either Saturday or Sunday evening. The meet has an agenda including sharing photographic vision, one technical presentation, one photo-show among incidental discussions.
There is also a concept of Theme of the Month – a theme on which members click photos during that month and share during the subsequent meet.

Group Outings

Outings happen once or twice in a month and are most of the time, half day programmes on one of the weekend days. Depending on the season and transport feasibility, the group members travel to some place, usually discussed amongst them earlier. It is a great event where people get to share their ideas and click their visions in a group of like minded friends.


The annual exhibition-cum-sale of photographs by the Er Group. The exhibition started from 2011 with the name Pratibimba 2011. This is a great platform that Sheil’s Photography provides to it’s members to showcase their photographic art to the world.

About Earnest Photography

Earnest Photography is a type of photography developed and nurtured by Shridhar Deshpande, nearly 8-9 years back.

It is much more than evaluating technical perfection of the images captured. It looks deeper in the mind set of the photographer.

It does not mean that Earnest Photography is not concerned about photo quality, finesse and beauty of a snap. On the contrary. Earnest photography also emphasizes on the earnest effort of the photographer to get better by the day. It urges for immaculate techniques, good equipment, clear understanding of the frame before freezing it. However, it does not limit the value of the photograph to the above attributes.

Earnest Photography presents an opportunity to the photographer to take a sincere look in one’s own mind. It presents an opportunity to understand oneself in various facets of personality. It prepares a person to look beyond the obvious and understand more of oneself.